Graphite Sketch
Graphite Sketch
Helen Mirren Cleopatra
Helen Mirren Cleopatra
Mosaic Portrait
Mosaic Portrait
Monet Cowboy
Monet Cowboy
3,600 Wooden Tile Mosiac
3,600 Wooden Tile Mosiac
EarringsPics - 1.jpeg
Ballet in the Key of G
Ballet in the Key of G
A Show of Hands
A Show of Hands
GestureMarkSculpture - 4.jpeg
Abstract Mosaic Portrait created with hand Painted Mosaic Tiles
Abstract Mosaic Portrait created with hand Painted Mosaic Tiles
Miniature Portrait
Miniature Portrait
Miniature Portrait of Ellie Ericson
Miniature Portrait of Ellie Ericson
ScratchBoard - 2.jpg
SketchMaryBlaze032721 - 1.jpg
Miniature Tetrahedron Portraits
Miniature Tetrahedron Portraits
ThreadPortraitCrawlProfile_600 - 1.jpg
DerwentInkPaperMount - 7.jpg
Tetrahedron Patterns
Tetrahedron Patterns
Tetrahedron Triangle Shadows
Tetrahedron Triangle Shadows
Lee Jeffries Homeless Person Portrait Painting
Lee Jeffries Homeless Person Portrait Painting
CrackleCircleSelfie - 1.jpg
LeeJeffriesHmlessPortrait5 - 5.jpg
PaintLit - 9.jpg
Old Bicycle
Old Bicycle
Jesse Waldman
Jesse Waldman
Graphite Sketch
Graphite SketchGraphite Sketch 9×12’, 2H F 2B 4B
Helen Mirren Cleopatra
Helen Mirren CleopatraGraphite sketch of Helen Mirren as Cleopatra.
Mosaic Portrait
Mosaic Portrait3,600 “Tile” Mosaic Portrait of Mary B. Hand painted Acrylic laser cut canvas mounted to Birch panel. 20”x20”
Monet Cowboy
Monet CowboyMosaic Portrait of man wearing cowboy hat
3,600 Wooden Tile Mosiac
3,600 Wooden Tile Mosiac 3,600 hand painted wooden tile mosaic.
EarringsPics - 1.jpeg
Ballet in the Key of G
Ballet in the Key of GHand painted ballet dancer mounted on piano damper mechanism.Kinetic sculpture with springing action.
A Show of Hands
A Show of HandsSculptural, three dimensional, unique piece from Walnut strips and hand painted canvas
GestureMarkSculpture - 4.jpeg
Abstract Mosaic Portrait created with hand Painted Mosaic Tiles
Abstract Mosaic Portrait created with hand Painted Mosaic TilesAbstract Mosaic Portrait created with hand Painted Mosaic Tiles
Miniature Portrait
Miniature PortraitMiniature Portrait of Carl Craig framed in walnut.
Miniature Portrait of Ellie Ericson
Miniature Portrait of Ellie EricsonMiniature Portrait of Ellie Ericson
ScratchBoard - 2.jpg
SketchMaryBlaze032721 - 1.jpg
Miniature Tetrahedron Portraits
Miniature Tetrahedron Portraits
ThreadPortraitCrawlProfile_600 - 1.jpg
DerwentInkPaperMount - 7.jpg
Tetrahedron Patterns
Tetrahedron PatternsRegular tetrahedrons in honeycomb pattern.
Tetrahedron Triangle Shadows
Tetrahedron Triangle Shadows
Lee Jeffries Homeless Person Portrait Painting
Lee Jeffries Homeless Person Portrait PaintingMy interoperation of a Lee Jeffries Homeless Person Portrait
CrackleCircleSelfie - 1.jpg
LeeJeffriesHmlessPortrait5 - 5.jpg
PaintLit - 9.jpg
Old Bicycle
Old Bicycle
Jesse Waldman
Jesse Waldman
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